The Apprentice Employment Network WA (AEN WA) is the peak association representing a high number of member Group Training Organisations (GTOs) operating in Western Australia. It was incorporated in 1993 and is a not-for-profit registered charity.
[GTO is a collective name given to organisations that specialise in employing apprentices and trainees and hiring them out to other businesses, referred to as host employers, to complete their apprenticeship or traineeship training.]
AEN WA members are located throughout metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Western Australia and deliver apprenticeships and traineeships within a wide range of industries.
The Network provides a range of services and conducts a number of activities as part of our strategic plan to enhance the effectiveness of our member GTOs. It provides strong advocacy for its members on all aspects of Training and Employment issues associated with apprenticeship and traineeship pathways and promotes member services to enhance the service delivery of the network.
AEN WA is also a member of the national network of group training associations that are supported by the National Apprentice Employment Network.