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Contact Us

The Apprentice Employment Network WA is the not for profit peak association representing our member group training organisations operating in Western Australia and is part of a national network of group training associations.

Our members have supported over 10,000 young people into an apprenticeship or traineeship, across a diverse range of industries, within the Perth metropolitan and regional areas of Western Australia.

Our member network employs over 2,700 apprentices and trainees each year. We have a strong focus on working with local communities and employers to match young people with rewarding careers.

Apprentice Employment Network WA

PO BOX 741

Phone or email us

Irene Walker
Executive Officer

Mobile: 0412 183 776
Email: eo@aenwa.com.au

ABN: 25 488 397 683

For general enquiries, please contact us using the form provided below.

If you are seeking an apprenticeship or traineeship, please complete the form on this website located under the Job Seeker menu, under:
Looking for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship? complete the enquiry form – Job Seekers – Apprentice Employment Network WA (aenwa.com.au)

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    Your Phone (required):

    Your Organisation (if a business):

    Subject (How can we help you):

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